Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Update 3: Super Challengers Update, Weight Loss & Antioxidant!

It is hard to believe it has been a complete 4 weeks since Wendy and Renee began their weight loss challenge! Everyone should love thy challenges to better themselves and their health. Here are their results:
Week 1 – “I’m not sure how this is going to fit in my life.” (schedule and family), Excited and pleased to be doing this. “This is the missing piece, I’ve been exercising and the weight isn’t coming off.
Week 5 – She is really happy her clothes are fitting better, she is feeling really good, and when I reviewed her food diary she is making really good choices, even staying on diet while in Disneyland with her family! Renee was able to run a 10K!

Total loss 8 lbs!

Week 1 – “Very disciplined on my exercise so it’s the eating that is so difficult. The menu suggestions are what I need. I don’t feel comfortable at my current weight. I know I would feel more comfortable and confident if I could lose this extra weight.”
Week 5 – She feels awesome! She feels like she has learned a lot about choices which was the most important thing for her lifestyle change. She has been working out like crazy and has gained a lot of muscle. She looks like she has lost a lot more weight then she has. Wendy and I ran 6.7 miles(!) through the hills of Serrano last Friday! I didn’t think I could do it either!
Total loss 4.2 lbs!
  hear how Joey is doing (hint: able to snowboard regularly for the first time in years!) Also why Apple Cider Vinegar is so good to have in your home.

***Next week on Wednesday, February 29th from 4:30 – 6:30 we will be having another Antioxidant Scanning Clinic and we will find out how our Challengers antioxidant scores are after having taken their supplements since they last tested on January 23rd. Anyone who was not tested before, please feel free to come and get your score. It truly only takes 90 seconds.

Until then here are some quotes from our Antioxidant Challengers as to how they are doing and feeling:
Joy – “I find I easily remember to take them twice a day and I’m usually sick through the winter and I have not been sick while taking these!”
Mike – “I always remember to take them with breakfast and I am usually sick in the winter and have not gotten sick yet!”
Hannah- “I haven’t gotten sick once and I feel much stronger. Actually she said, “I feel mas fuerte.”

Health Tip: Yoga Is Not For Sissies!

Three weeks ago I started shoulder therapy yoga for my right shoulder which was injured during my High Intensity Strength and Conditioning classes at the gym. Despite all exercise modifications, my shoulder still ached and burned. Then I found Ashley Murray, Morning Mist Nutrition and Yoga, to help my shoulder. My shoulder is healing but it is tough work! Sometimes I shake so badly while in a pose I think I might fall over but I don’t. What does yoga mean?
Yoga means “joined together.” The word comes from the ancient Sanskrit root word yug, which means “to unify.” Many people practice yoga for its asanas, its physical exercises, which are regularly acclaimed to be extraordinarily health-giving by many doctors around the world. Think about trying out a yoga class in your area!

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