Thursday, February 23, 2012

Joey’s Weight Loss Week 3 & Fergie Loves Apple Cider Vinegar So You Can Too! And Good Day Sacramento on Monday, 2/27!

Joey’s Progress Week 3:
After a weekend at Tahoe with his buddies and several stressful workdays upon his return, Joey’s weight remained the same! Joey also commented that after a night of drinking beer he was the only one to wake up WITHOUT a hangover! Joey credits this to his supplements that go along with his weight management program. He awoke fresh and ready to snowboard while his buddies were rubbing their eyes and grumbling about their hangovers. Good for you Joey!

I have something I would like to share with you…my love for apple cider vinegar and how incorporating it into my diet and hair washing has helped me so much. Several months ago I read an article about how adding 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to your diet can result in body fat loss without changing diet or exercise. After a few months I noticed a change in my overall size and weight without changing either my diet or exercise. I recently read an article authored by a woman impressed that Fergie, (Black Eyed Peas) is an apple cider vinegar advocate and we all want to look like her so I want to share it with you, “7 Reasons to Love Apple Cider Vinegar”. I tried it in my hair as a final rinse according to the directions in the article and it worked great! My hair was soft, shiny and there were no “fly-aways” as I have fine hair. Enjoy the article!
The American Lung Association Fight For Air Climb 2012 is getting noticed! This Monday, February 27th you might see me on Good Day Sacramento as Julissa Ortiz does her own climb of the Wells Fargo Center stairs, live at 6 am. As the Chair for the Executive Committee organizing this event with the ALA, I will be there! I hope you can watch the segment. Once Julissa arrives to the top she will be greeted by a masseuse and Il Fornaio’s snacks. Good Day Sacramento heard about our event after our hugely successful “Kick Off” party generously hosted by Morton’s of Chicago, January 24th.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Update 3: Super Challengers Update, Weight Loss & Antioxidant!

It is hard to believe it has been a complete 4 weeks since Wendy and Renee began their weight loss challenge! Everyone should love thy challenges to better themselves and their health. Here are their results:
Week 1 – “I’m not sure how this is going to fit in my life.” (schedule and family), Excited and pleased to be doing this. “This is the missing piece, I’ve been exercising and the weight isn’t coming off.
Week 5 – She is really happy her clothes are fitting better, she is feeling really good, and when I reviewed her food diary she is making really good choices, even staying on diet while in Disneyland with her family! Renee was able to run a 10K!

Total loss 8 lbs!

Week 1 – “Very disciplined on my exercise so it’s the eating that is so difficult. The menu suggestions are what I need. I don’t feel comfortable at my current weight. I know I would feel more comfortable and confident if I could lose this extra weight.”
Week 5 – She feels awesome! She feels like she has learned a lot about choices which was the most important thing for her lifestyle change. She has been working out like crazy and has gained a lot of muscle. She looks like she has lost a lot more weight then she has. Wendy and I ran 6.7 miles(!) through the hills of Serrano last Friday! I didn’t think I could do it either!
Total loss 4.2 lbs!
  hear how Joey is doing (hint: able to snowboard regularly for the first time in years!) Also why Apple Cider Vinegar is so good to have in your home.

***Next week on Wednesday, February 29th from 4:30 – 6:30 we will be having another Antioxidant Scanning Clinic and we will find out how our Challengers antioxidant scores are after having taken their supplements since they last tested on January 23rd. Anyone who was not tested before, please feel free to come and get your score. It truly only takes 90 seconds.

Until then here are some quotes from our Antioxidant Challengers as to how they are doing and feeling:
Joy – “I find I easily remember to take them twice a day and I’m usually sick through the winter and I have not been sick while taking these!”
Mike – “I always remember to take them with breakfast and I am usually sick in the winter and have not gotten sick yet!”
Hannah- “I haven’t gotten sick once and I feel much stronger. Actually she said, “I feel mas fuerte.”

Health Tip: Yoga Is Not For Sissies!

Three weeks ago I started shoulder therapy yoga for my right shoulder which was injured during my High Intensity Strength and Conditioning classes at the gym. Despite all exercise modifications, my shoulder still ached and burned. Then I found Ashley Murray, Morning Mist Nutrition and Yoga, to help my shoulder. My shoulder is healing but it is tough work! Sometimes I shake so badly while in a pose I think I might fall over but I don’t. What does yoga mean?
Yoga means “joined together.” The word comes from the ancient Sanskrit root word yug, which means “to unify.” Many people practice yoga for its asanas, its physical exercises, which are regularly acclaimed to be extraordinarily health-giving by many doctors around the world. Think about trying out a yoga class in your area!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day! - Love thy Education

Last Friday I participated in a Health Professional Conference where keynote speaker, Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Joe Chang, spoke about the phenomenon of  epigenetics. What is epigenetics? The development and maintenance of an organism is orchestrated by a set of chemical reactions that switch parts of the genome off and on at strategic times and locations. Epigenetics is the study of these reactions and the factors that influence them. Basically, the influence of the environment, stress, diet, behavior, toxins, and other factors changes how our genes, DNA, express themselves…making us look and feel older, or mutating our cells to create disease. This explains why the physical characteristics of identical twins change as they age.

This led into the topic of the importance of protecting our cells with antioxidants and how we can accurately measure them in our live tissue with the Nobel Prize winning science of the Antioxidant scanner.

I love science and data but can also get very energized and excited to think that a patented, proven way exists to keep our bodies healthy and youthful. For more information on epigenetics visit:

On Thursday of this week we will give you the update on our Weight Loss Challengers…but here’s the teaser…Joey says some of his shirts are too BIG!!!! I can’t wait to tell you how he did in his first week.

Health Tip: What would like to see for health tips? More on skin health? Or nutrition? I would love to hear what you like most to read about in these health tips. Share away!

Friday, February 10, 2012

My Weight Mangement Program!

As I have mentioned before, at the NS LA kick off event earlier this year, NS has introduced its Challenges for 2012. There are 4 total challenges where you can improve your health/skin needs. I am holding my own Weight Loss and Antioxidant Challenge with my own modifications to the plan you will hear about below. But here is an idea of what our weight loss challengers are doing on a daily basis. By the way, I am so inspired by Wendy’s commitment to her health, one of the Weight Loss Challengers, that I am joining her this morning for her run/jog/walk of the Serrano Hills! Hope I make it alright.

Here is the 
link to the webinar. Again if you only have time to listen to a few minutes here are my recommendations:
- 5:00 – The one healthy meal –detailed of what and why things are included
- 30:00 – how the supplements help to improve your ability to burn fat
- 33:00 – The overall instructions for the Weight Management System

Weight Management by Glen Cheney
• 3 components: Eat one Healthy meal, 2 meals replaced with AC Shakes and supplements
• 8 glasses of water a day is important because most of the time people grab snacks when really they are just thirsty
• Strive to increase physical exercise

The Healthy Meal (without counting calories)
• 1 fist full of both veggies and fruit (so that could be one small apple for a smaller person, a large apple for a larger person)
• A palm sized portion of protein – for satiety and muscle tone
• 1 fist full of Complex Carbs (that would be whole grains not white bread, brown rice instead of white rice) that helps affect rates of energy
• Little good fat (EVOO)
• 1 cup of Diary, correlation between dairy consumption and body composition (also protects against calcium loss)

Replace two meals with AC Shakes
• Equivalent to 20 nutritional capsules
• Uses clinically affective does of ingredients
• Its active ingredients help to lower cravings
• Helps to balance blood sugar – shakes contain special fibers to slow the absorption of glucose and diminish blood sugar highs and lows.
• Contain high quality protein and protect against muscle loss (fat loss is the better form of weight loss)

Supplements to take throughout the day
• Green tea has long been used for many remedies 
The Green tea supplement is the more you take the increased amount of calories burned (with no increased activity)
• Green tea helps to lower stress (which helps control weight by not stress eating)
• The 2nd Supplement Cortisol also helps control stress
•  Vitality improves physical endurance
people on a diet can feel so sluggish without the same amount of calories coming in
•  Vitality promotes far metabolism during prolonged exercise (improved their ability to burn fat)
• They lastly gave total instructions for the Weight Management System with suggested ways to split up the supplements throughout the day.

Bonus! For every pound you lose, you will be giving one meal to a hungry child though the Vita Meal program. If you are interested please remember, contact me for a 30 percent discount on the products and for complimentary guidance.

Health Tip: Preventing Disease With Coffee
Enjoy your coffee! Frank Hu, MD, MPH, PhD, Nutrition and Epidemiology Professor at the Harvard School of Public Health, explains that habitual coffee intake is beneficial in reducing the risk for Type 2 Diabetes as the magnesium and chromium levels aid the body in using insulin to control the blood sugar level. Also, the antioxidants packed in coffee can prevent heart disease by reducing the risk by 13% in women and 28% in men. Of course, it probably isn’t a good idea to pack your coffee with lots of sugar, chocolate and whole milk because those added in large amounts can have their own risks. I raise my coffee cup to toast the benefits of coffee every morning!!!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Vitality Test: Good Day Sacramento Airs Live Stair Climb of Wells Fargo Center In Downtown Sacramento, Green Tea & Olive Oil for Health

As the volunteer Executive Committee Chair for the American Lung Association’s Fight For Air Climb, I got up yesterday morning at 2 am to get down to the Wells Fargo Center. I had no idea of who all would be there. I had no idea of exactly what we would be doing. All I knew is that Good Day Sacramento was doing a live story on the Fight For Air Climb that is coming up next month, March 24th. Along with a firefighter, a gym owner, and Julie Lautsch, Regional Director for the American Lung Association we met Julissa Ortiz of Good Day Sacramento to climb the 34 flights of stairs for the morning news program. I arrived at 4:30 am and once we all gathered we stretched and warmed up then off we went. Our firefighter raced to the top in 4 minutes and 55 seconds. The rest followed at 6 to 6 and a half minutes and I finished in under 7 minutes. We had been delayed several times so it wasn’t until after 7 am that we began our climb. By then I was getting cold and hungry. I am amazed I did as well as I did! I have to credit my nutritional supplements and my regular exercise routine for my success. Next month, on March 24th, I expect my time to be even faster since I will have had a full night’s sleep and some food to fuel my body.

Here are some clips so prove I really did this yesterday! and (I had already headed down the elevator for the last clip but I made it to the top!!

Joy and my daily habit: Green tea please!
Joy and I each drink about 4 cups of green tea every day we work together in Sacramento. We love that it tastes good, keeps us warm, and gets us through a tired morning or afternoon. Green tea has long been used for many remedies  More than a decade’s worth of research about green tea’s health benefits — particularly its potential to fight cancer and heart disease — has been more than intriguing, as have limited studies about green tea’s role in lowering cholesterol, burning fat, preventing diabetes and stroke, and staving off dementia. Another benefit of green tea is that the more you drink or take the more calories you burn without increasing your activity.One of my favorite supplements has green tea in a capsule so you can maximize your calorie burn and healthy living without drinking gallons of tea. The supplement provides a highly concentrated, proprietary extract of green tea catechins to help protect your body at the cellular level. Each capsule contains the catechin equivalent of SEVEN cups of green tea without the caffeine. Containing 97% polyphenol antioxidants, two-thirds of which are catechins, It is one of the most potent antioxidant products on the market-providing you with maximum protection for critical cell structures such as DNA.

Health Tip: The Greek Secret to Healthy Life…Olive Oil
Well, first off, looking at the per capita consumption of all fats and oils, Americans average 1.3 lbs of fat and oil a week – that’s on the order of 120% of the USDA recommended amounts – no wonder we have an obesity epidemic. Very little of the oil consumed is olive oil. We consume so little olive oil that it’s measured per year, at only ½ liter annually. The Greeks on the other hand, use ½ liter of olive oil per week, and on the Greek island of Crete, even more! The phytonutrients in olive oil help maintain a healthy cholesterol to keep heart disease at bay. Also, some olive oils are very high in antioxidants. Check out this page for the listings of several organic olive oils and their individual antioxidant scores:

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Weight Loss Challenge Update: Week 2 - The Story Continues

I am so proud of the progress my Wendy and Renee are making! WOW! Wendy and Renee are losing weight at a very healthy rate to ensure they only lose fat not muscle. Renee is currently losing an average of 1 pound per week and Wendy is losing 1.5 pounds per week. In review of Wendy’s intake for last week, she needs to add some protein to her diet to maintain her muscle mass, important for her metabolism and overall health. Remember, it takes a deficit of 3,500 calories to lose 1 pound and you want those calories to come from fat not muscle. The best part is both of them FEEL so much better – both of the ladies find exorcising so much easier. Renee even ran in a 10K this past Saturday!
Wendy had some advice for those trying to drink 8 glasses of water each day: Add some flavor! She suggests having sparkling water, or adding lemon, lime, mint, cucumber, or MILO to help switch up your water routine. Thanks for the great suggestions Wendy!

Joining the Weight Loss Challenge last week was Joey. Joey is also in our antioxidant challenge and is excited to get a health routine into his daily schedule. How exciting to be following and supporting these 3 people!

Health Tip: Calorie Counting To Go

Last week I found the website while helping Wendy make a good choice at Papa Murphy’s. This website lists the calories for the items on the menus of most Fast Food Chains and Restaurants. I was impressed with the complete listing and just how many items listed at various places were actually healthy choices. Wendy’s choice at Papa Murphy’s was the Thincrust deLITE Chicken, Bacon, & Artichoke at 180 calories per slice and the bonus of artichokes for antioxidants and fiber. It also tells you what you have to do to burn those 180 calories: walk for 50 minutes, jog for 21 minutes, swim for 15 minutes, cycle for 27 minutes. Of course, the exercise continues to burn calories after you finish but how much is dependent on the type of exercise. Anyway, check it out! What is your favorite?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

What Is An Antioxidant Scanner?

This past Tuesday afternoon, I held a Drop-in Antioxidant Score clinic at my house. My daughter, who due to a diet including many vegetables and fruits along with her supplements, scored extremely high. Some were disappointed at their low scores. Some came to get a base line score before starting their  supplements so they can see the difference demonstrated as their antioxidant levels climb. The ultimate goal is to have more energy and not get sick as often. I am always so excited for people when they begin to take charge of improving their health. For more information about the Nobel Prize-winning technology behind the Antioxidant Scanner.

Here is your what your scanner scores look like:

To help you navigate through the information presented, here are some highlights of the 24 minute webinar:
14:30 – All the information and history of the scanner
22:00 – Measurement makes Market

Genesis of the Scanner – Dr. Stephen Moore
• Chiropractor wanting supplements to sell that he really could believe in and prove they work  left practice he believed so much in the supplements products
• Lots of people buying vitamins that are bad in quality and potentially harmful (articles quoted)
• The company wanted natural ingredients in supplements
• Quality Control 6S Process
o 1. Select best possible natural products
o 2. Source the most effective raw materials
o 3. Know the chemical structure of all ingredients
o 4. Standardize to active markets for consistent efficacy and quality
o 5. Extensive safety studies, contaminant analysis
o 6. Substantiate efficacy with clinical studies
• Many scientific disciplines working together
• Over 100 full-time employed scientists
• The Scanner  a measurable difference
• Scanner started with a test for the eye which was then applied to the skin
• Then the company was able to prove/track their “score” of their antioxidant levels
• Then published in multiple peer-reviewed studies
• In order to make your “score” higher: Include more fruits in vegetables, lower BMI, no smoking
• The scanner meant: measurement makes a market for your product
• It is the only non invasive scanner to check your antioxidant levels
• Endorsed by Professor Lester Packer – the “Father of anti-oxidant research”

Health Tip: Are Dietary Supplements USP Rated?

Not all vitamins are created equally. If you do not have a base line antioxidant score and are taking vitamins be sure to check out the US Pharmacopeia website to see if your supplements are quality products and learn about the USP Verification Process.