Tuesday, November 15, 2011

"Why Now Is Prime Time for Direct Selling" - WSJ

This blog is in honor of my grandmother, Lucile Louise Hanna’s life.  After 90 years and 8 months she has left behind a legacy.  Her legacy includes how to live life with respect for yourself and others.  She respected herself by taking good care of her health.  Back in the days when TV was in “black and white” when I was a toddler, we would exercise to the Jack La Lanne show.  It was a half hour show of a variety of calisthenics to include jumping jacks, leg raises and lots of “old school” stretches.  Back in the 1960’s my grandmother challenged herself to reach her goal of a healthy life.  Not much has changed, philosophically in our society.  We just now have fancier exercise machines, programs and diets yet our society suffers from more obesity and related diseases than ever before. 

Now to the article:
If you didnt already know, NS and A Nu You By Julie is a Direct Selling company. There are no store fronts, the only way to get NS (Mary-Kay, Avon, Pampered Chef, among others) is through direct sellers like myself. This summer, the Wall Street Journal recognized the fast growing and expanding power of the direct selling industry. This 40 page spread covers the overall industry and their top 100 companies.

Here is a Clip to watch to get a great summary of the article as well.

Here are just some highlights, quotes, from the highly fascinating and eye-opening article.

•NS is one of the “The Big 7”, public companies which accounted for $23.9 Billion in revenue in 2010
•Direct Selling works now more than ever because direct selling is a global business which now is smaller based on social networks and technology.
•From March 2009 to May 2011, the top seven publicly traded direct selling companies averaged a 268% INCREASE in stock price
•Direct Selling offers a solution to a shrinking job market with an easy, low-risk way to be in business which capitalizes on that consumers prefer to buy products from people they know and like
•“After years of skepticism, the investment community is finally waking up to the viability of direct selling as a good investment opportunity.” – Doug Lane
•[speaking of apps] “These tools enable this mass of communicators to tell our story more effectively.” - NS

Health Tip:  Back to the Basics

The recommended amount of exercise is 30 minutes per day, at least 6 days a week.  This means getting your heart rate up to a recommended amount over your resting heart rate.  You may need to seek the advise of an exercise professional to find out your exercise heart rate as we are all different.  The bottom line is:  Exercising while reading a magazine, newspaper, or watching a program on TV is not working hard enough to raise your heart rate so that you improve your health.  Cardio workouts alone are not either…you need to lift some weights.  I really recommend asking the advice of a “Certified” exercise professional for a program to begin because if you do not have the correct form while lifting even light weights you can seriously injure yourself and that is not the idea at all.  As a member of the National Strength and Conditioning Association I ask you to visit www.nsca-lift.org to find a professional near you.

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